Picture of Ted Galanthay

Ted Galanthay

Associate Professor and Chair, Mathematics
School: School of Humanities and Sciences
Phone: 607-274-3460
Office: 212C Williams Hall
Specialty: Mathematical Ecology, Mathematical Modeling, Dynamical Systems

I joined the Ithaca College Math Department in 2013 after receiving my PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Colorado Boulder.  There, I took classes in numerical analysis, functional analysis, and dynamical systems.  I also earned a Certificate in College Teaching through the Graduate Teacher Program.  Prior to graduate school, I worked with several different companies as an options marketmaker on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade.

My decision to go to graduate school twelve years after completing my undergraduate degree in mathematics was motivated by an interest in learning more math and a persistent desire to help others.  I am fortunate to live out my vocation at Ithaca College where, through my research, teaching, and service, I continue to learn more math and help others achieve their dreams.

Changing the world

How can we make those changes we are each called to make?  I value setting goals and working hard to achieve them.  In school and beyond, learning is generally good.  But, learning becomes wonderfully effective when we apply it in ways that propel us towards achieving the most noble of our goals.

Mathematics: Research, teaching, and outreach

In my research, I build and analyze simple mathematical models (equations or systems of equations) of ecological or biological processes.  My goal is to discover general principles.  Recent motivating questions are "How does evolution affect the optimal movement of organisms?" and "How does natural selection shape animal aggression?"  I have many related and unrelated project ideas for students at every level, so if you are a student who might be interested in trying mathematical research, I encourage you to meet with me.

I teach a wide variety of courses in the math department including Finite Mathematics with Calculus; Statistics for Business, Economics, and Management; Intermediate Statistics; Quanfifying Sustainabiliy; Calculus; Linear Algebra; Differential Equations; Probability; Numerical Analysis; and Research Experience in Mathematics.  In addition to teaching, I enjoy advising students on independent research projects and senior theses, as well as attending students' concerts, plays, sporting events, and other extracurricular activities.

Outside of research and teaching, I enjoy working with students in various ways.  I am a Principal Investigator on a National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates grant in which my colleagues and I have mentored twenty-seven undergraduate students in mathematical research at Ithaca College during the summer months in 2021-2023.  If you are interested in learning more about this past program, please visit our webpage.  With other colleagues, I help coordinate and administer the mentoring of incoming math majors and also the IC Women in Math Day, which helps attract and retain young women in mathematics; both of these programs are supported by the Tensor grant awarded by the Mathematical Association of America.  I also advise students in the annual Mathematical Contest in Modeling sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications.  Preparations for this four-day contest typically take place in the fall semester, but contact me anytime if you are interested.

Contact me

Want to chat?  Schedule an appointment at www.calendly.com/tgalanthay or stop by my office anytime.