Toby Dragon

Associate Professor and Assesment Coordinator, Computer Science


My research is focused on using Computer Science to help students and teachers, the research field of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). I build and study intelligent systems that can support and enhance learning activities.

My current work provides instructors with a means of bringing together both online and offline course materials into a unified structure that clarifies exactly what concepts are taught in a course and how the materials and assessments used in the course are related to those concepts. This information can then be used to visualize the the concepts that students understand vs. the concepts that are proving to be difficult, and how those concepts are inter-related.

This project has many open areas of research for student colleagues to contribute, including but not limited to the following interesting questions. How can the system best:

  • calculate the estimate of understanding of a certain concept?
  • visualize this information?
  • use this information to offer suggestions for students?
  • use this information to form productive groups?
  • support instructors in creating/gathering course materials?
  • be deployed online in a way that is usable to all?
  • predict future student performance?
  • be applied to an entire curriculum, rather than a single course?

Come help answer some of these questions!

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