- PhD Sport & Exercise Science (Biomechanics), University of Limerick, Ireland - 2015.
- MSc Exercise Physiology, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK - 2006.
- BSc (Hons) Sport with Exercise & Coaching Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK - 2005.
- HND Sport & Exercise Science, Belfast Institute of Further & Higher Education, UK - 2003.

David Diggin
Courses Taught
- Undergraduate:
- EXSS 264 - Strength & Conditioning Foundations.
- EXSS 265 - Practicum in Strength & Conditioning I.
- EXSS 384 - Practicum in Strength & Conditioning II.
- EXSS 385 - Practicum in Strength & Conditioning III.
- EXSS 390 - Advanced Strength & Conditioning.
- EXSS 466 - Administration, Mentoring & Professional Preparation.
- Graduate:
- ESSG 538 - Strength & Conditioning: Current Concepts & Applications.
- ESSG 648 - Strength & Conditioning: Theories, Mechanisms & Applications.
I also coordinate Fieldwork and Internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students at private and collegiate strength and conditioning and health and fitness facilities.
My research interests focus on the impact of strength and conditioning practices on performance. I have conducted studies looking at the impact of strength training on mechanical aspects of distance running performance. I have also collaborated on projects looking at the effects of foam rolling on athletic performance. I enjoy integrating my research findings into my teachings, to provide students with up-to-date research findings and allowing me to model principles of evidence-based practice in strength and conditioning.
Peer-Reviewed Publications (since 2015):
- Sforzo G.A. and Diggin, D. (2020). Enhancing wellness during young adulthood. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. 24(5), 32 - 37.
Diggin, D., Anderson, R. and Harrison, A.J. (2019). Limits in reliability of leg-spring and joint stiffness measures during single-leg hopping within a sled-based system. Plos One, 14(12), 1-14.
Phillips, J., Diggin, D., King, D.L. and Sforzo G.A. (2018). The effect of varying self-myofascial release duration on subsequent athletic performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. [epub ahead of print].
Diggin, D., Anderson, R. and Harrison, A.J. (2016). An examination of the true reliability of lower limb stiffness measures during overground hopping. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 32(3), 278 – 286.