
Katharine Kittredge

Professor, Literatures in English
School: School of Humanities and Sciences
Phone: 607-274-1575
Office: Muller Faculty Center 317, Ithaca, NY 14850

Areas of Interest:  Eighteenth Century British Literature, Children's Literature, Science Fiction, Gender Studies

Courses Taught:

  • Girlstories (Ithaca Seminar)
  • Experiencing College Athletics (Ithaca Seminar)
  • Wonder Women: Feminist History and Feminist Icons (Honors Ithaca Seminar)
  • Golden Age of Children's Literature
  • Otherness in Children's Literature
  • Children and YA Comics and Graphic Novels
  • Survey of Science Fiction
  • Advanced Studies in Feminist Science Fiction
  • Feminist Fictions

Recent Publications:

(co-authored with Paige D'Encarnacao IC 2023) "Asian Americans Find Liminal Spaces to Combat Racism and Erasure in Middle Grade Literature" Liminal Spaces in Children's and Young Adult Literature: Stories from the In Between, Ed. Mark I West, Lexington Books, 2024. pp 57-77.

"In Search of the Sentient Dolls: Adventures in the Osbourne Collection" Early Children's Literature and Culture Chronicle 4.2 (Summer 2024).

"Why is the Jar Purple?" (August 20, 2024).  Post for Global Committee of the Children's Literature Association Blog. https://childlitassn.wixsite.com/intlcommittee/single-post/why-is-the-j…

“But First, There was a Scarecrow . . . “ in The Characters of Oz: Essays on Their Adaptation and Transformation ed. Dina Massachi. MacFarland & Company. 2023

“Smashing All the Idols for the Sake of a Good Martini: Peg Bracken’s I Hate to Cook BookConsumption and the Literary Cookbook , eds. Roxanne Harde and Janet Wesselius. Routledge, 2021. Pp 120-134.

“The Girl-Hero for the New Millennia: Alice’s Great-great-granddaughters in Post-Gender Fantasy Worlds” The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Contemporary British and Irish Literature . Ed. Richard Bradford. Blackwell. 2020.

“’I delight in the success of your literary labours’: Friendship as Platform for Reinvention” in the essay collection: Circuit of Apollo: Women's Tributes to Women in the Eighteenth-century ed. Laura Runge. University of Delaware Press, 2019.

“Punk Academe:The Rise of the Rule-breaking, Boundary-shaking DIY Conference” Preface to Buffy to Batgirl: Critical Approaches to Gender and Sexuality in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Ed. Julie Stills. Macmillan Press, 2019.

"Perversity shews itself so early": Bullying in Pre-Victorian Children's Literature." Scheduled to appear in The Lion and The Unicorn . 43.3 (Sept. 2019): 345-366.

“Old School Bullying: The Early Roots of Bullying in Harry Potter” co-authored with Carolyn Rennie, IC 2016. The Representation of Cruel Children in Popular Texts Eds. Monica Flegel and Christopher Parkes. Palgrave, 2018.

Interesting Past Projects: 

"The Blind Made Happy" Arcs of Reward and Redemption in Early Modern Children's Literature" Variabilities II. Ed. Chris Mounsey. Peter Lang, 2016.

Katharine Kittredge and Elizabeth Bleicher. "Imagine Local: A New Kind of Science Fiction Convention" Science Fiction Studies 40.3 (November 2013).

“Chasing the Ghost of Melesina Trench” is a short documentary film about my research on Trench made by IC student , Qina Lui (class of 2013).  This film and an accompanying article can be viewed at http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=…

"Early Blossoms of Genius: Child Poets at the End of the Long 18th Century," in Looking Glass: New Perspectives in Children's Literature, 15.2 (2011)

 Abstract: Few children from the past have written accounts of their lives which subsequent [adult] generations have found worthy of preservation. A rare exception to this rule can be found in the many books of poetry published by juvenile (under the age of twenty-one) British authors during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. This study explores the range of these authors' works, along with their reception, and considers how these reflect the attitudes to children at that time.


Archive Project

Final Projects for the 2011 Summer "Girlstories" class can be accessed at the following addresses:

         (sample mini-documentary) http://www.screencast.com/t/hkyIECsdofFQ

